Your supply address
The address of the property we’re billing you for – the address we supply your electricity to
Your account details
This is your account number, the tax invoice number and the date this bill was issued to you.
Billing period
The period of time covered by this bill. Our billing is monthly, or quarterly if your meter is only read every 90 days.
The due date and amount due
The due date is the date you need to pay this bill. If you are on direct debit you don’t need to do anything- We automatically draw down the payment for you.
Your usage summary
Your usage including:
Greenhouse gas emissions for the energy you used
Average cost per day
The daily usage
Any emissions you offset – if you’re on a green product
Your usage is shown in kilowatt hours (kWh).
Your energy plan
Details of your energy plan or agreement at the time we issued your bill, including:
The energy plan or agreement name
The energy made easy plan reference
How to pay
This section shows the different ways you can pay your bill. Bpay, Credit Card, Cheque etc
Account summary
A summary of your past and present balances, it displays:
The amount you owed us when we sent your last bill
What you paid towards that bill
Any amount carried over to this bill from the last one
Any adjustments carried over from your last bill
Your new energy charges for this billing period
Total electricity charges
Details of your supply address, your usage and what that usage cost, including:
Your meter number (NMI)
Your last and next scheduled meter read dates
Whether your last meter read was billed off Actual reads (if we actually read your meter for this bill) or Estimated reads (if we couldn’t get a reading this time.)
Your billing period in number of days and to and from date
Your rate – the pricing structure we use for your address,
Rebates also appear in this section.
Your usage breakdown
You will see your average daily usage for this billing period compared with previous periods. There is a graph showing your usage and greenhouse emissions over the last year. Tip – The less the better !
How you compare?
This is a comparison with other households in your post code.